Mala Mala for Kids

The Main Camp at Mala Mala Game Reserve welcomes children of all ages. This family safari destination provides a holistic programme tailored to suit youngster's needs. Children will be entertained and given opportunities to learn about the bush and the wildlife.The program is geared towards children aged 12 years and under. Kids over the age of 12 can join parents on traditional Mala Mala activities including exciting game drives and game walks.On the Young Rangers program the children are always under the supervision of a responsible ranger, whether within the confines of the camp, or out in the bush. Activities are designed around the time of year and length of stay.On arrival, the Mala Mala ranger looking after the family will ascertain the enthusiasm and level of independence of the children, and in partnership with the parents and guardians, put together activities to keep them busy in the bush.

Mala Mala Backpack

This Kiddies "Kit" is given to each Junior Ranger (between ages 4 and 12). Each backpack contains: An interactive animal check-list, bird and mammal colouring books, a compass, a thermometer, lip-ice (balm) and water.

Programme Activities Include

Animal Tracking

For youngsters keen to really explore, Mala Mala Game Rangers will teach their charges to follow and identify various animals out in the wild just by studying spoor markings.

Survivor Challenge

Junior Rangers are taught basic survival skills, like where to find water, what plants are good to eat as well as medicinal and practical uses of plants (e.g. the toothbrush and loo paper trees!). This is a fun experience, both hands on and educational, which arms Juniors with interesting skills to take home to envious friends!

"Reading" the Bush

Juniors are taught warning signs of dangerous animals, and first aid skills for emergency situations in the bush.

The Game Walk

Children are escorted by an armed ranger on a short walk around the bustling Main Camp area. This is a great opportunity for kids to learn more about the different rocks, trees, birds and nests in the wild. Children will also be shown how to track animals and identify their spoor and droppings in the bush.

Junior Chefs in the Wild

Participating in the making of a Bush Breakfast enables children to learn how to build a fire and help with sumptuous outdoor meal preparation.

Radio Communication

Outside of game drive times, children can learn the skills and etiquette of radio communication which is practiced on drives and out in the bush, by the Mala Mala Game Rangers.

Kids Cuisine

Special meals and "Ration Packs" are arranged for children both in the bush, and in camp.

Camp Movies and More

At the camp, kids can enjoy watching a variety of entertaining children's movies and wildlife movies (filmed on Mala Mala Reserve). There are also board games


Mala Mala can arrange sitters in the evening if required.

Mala Mala Camp

The Mala Mala Camp is situated on the banks of the Sand River in the MalaMala Game Reserve. This area is abundant in shady trees, flat bush ...more
Mala Mala Game Reserve - South Africa
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